Disabilities services
The Career Center Office of Agricultural University of Athens, in the framework of the Operation “Support for Social Welfare Interventions of Students of the Agricultural University of Athens” with Code 5045556, strengthens the social welfare of the University, with the aim of educational and social integration and equal participation of students belonging to Socially Vulnerable Groups. The ultimate goal is the timely completion of their academic obligations.
Socially Vulnerable Groups are defined as those groups of students who are most at risk of being deprived of basic social goods, such as access to work, education and health care. Indicatively, the SVGs include:
• Students-people with disabilities
• Students with Special Educational Needs
• Students with financial weakness
•The immigrants people
•The refugees
• The Romani people
• Students with mental disorders etc.
The actions that are carried out, or will be carried out in the future, within the framework of the project are:
• Psychological Support (through individual sessions and group seminars)
• Consulting Support (through individual sessions and small group interactive mnemonic techniques seminars)
• Financial Support for the financially weak students of the departments of Amfissa, Thiva and Karpenisi
• Increase the physical accessibility of the University in order to facilitate the movement of students with mobility problems
• Digitization of textbooks to make them accessible to students with vision problems (total or partial blindness) and difficulties / difficulties in reading texts, who are either unable or have difficulty reading a conventional text
• Existence of two special workstations for the disabled for students with mobility problems and with vision and hearing problems in the AUA Library and Information Center
• Creation and support of a mobile application that will facilitate the access of students with disabilities to the University premises
The professors of the University, in collaboration with the Career Center Office, provide support, facilitation and service to students belonging to special groups during lectures and during exams. Indicatively, the possibility of oral examination is mentioned.
More Information:
Tsourou Virginia-Maria
Tel: 210 529 4817
E-mail: career@aua.gr